Copyright©Myschyfkitz 2011. All rights reserved
Grand Champion Myschyfkitz Edelweiss
White, Orange eyes, with two cute splodges of colour on her forehead AKA Splodges
I never thought I'd keep a white, but she stole her way into my heart
And her first show debut she won BIS Kitten.......Making Grand in 2018
We had a massive shock , she had a uterus torsion at full term, and despite emergency spay, we lost her
My white fluff monster, is just so cute. Definitely a mummys girls. She's got her first CC and now her 2nd.
February 2017 her first Grand, and prefix pairs 2nd place in a large competitive group.Her second Grand at the Supreme 2017, and third at the Celtic January 18.
Edelweiss had one gorgeous baby summer '17
Edelweiss gained her first 2 full Imperials july '18. She got 2 reserves back in June.
And her second litter, of two girls, one of which gets to stay here.
Edelweiss pedigree in pawpeds