Adult Outings:
Making IMPERIAL at NFCC 2018(J Hansson)
4th IMP Central LH /SLH (B Prowse)
3rd IMP Maidstone& Medway (T Cole)
2ndIMP at Supreme (Dr Bennet)
1st IMP Norskskogkatt'17 ( S Johnson)
Making GRAND CHAMPION at the Norskskogkatt and LHSLH,(L Grant and C Gainsbury) judges special, 1 BOB(L Fryer), BIS adult female (C Gainsbury)at the Norskskogkatt.Thankyou for a lovely day!!(her daughter got 2 CC's as well)
Edie's return to showing after babies. 4/7/15 Wilts Reserve Grand (D Butters), and Wessex Grand Ch (V Kilby) BOBs courtesy of B Shingleton and C Pike
Shropshire: 1/2/14 , 1st and CC. Making CHAMPION (Dr B Bennett)
Notts and Derby: 18/1/14, 1st & CC. (V A Anderson-Drew)
Central LH & Eastern LH, 4/1/14: 1CC and BOB, ((M Pearman) and a first with CC withheld, (S Rainbow-Ockwell)
Supreme, 3rd place, (S Rainbow-Ockwell)
Kitten outings:
Norskskogkatt: 5th October: 1st (S Tokens)
Wyvern: : 2nd (V A Anderson-Drew)
Humberside & Lincolnshire: 27th July 2013: 1st & BOB (Dr B Bennet), and 2nd, (D Butters)