Valora: Valora is now neutered and retired from the show bench.
Copyright©Myschyfkitz 2011. All rights reserved
Valora's first show BIS Kitten
Adult Outings:
Making IMPERIAL at NFCC 2018(J Hansson)
4th IMP Central LH /SLH (B Prowse)
3rd IMP Maidstone& Medway (T Cole)
2ndIMP at Supreme (Dr Bennet)
1st IMP Norskskogkatt'17 ( S Johnson)
Making GRAND CHAMPION at the Norskskogkatt and LHSLH,(L Grant and C Gainsbury) judges special, 1 BOB(L Fryer), BIS adult female (C Gainsbury)at the Norskskogkatt.Thankyou for a lovely day!!(her daughter got 2 CC's as well)
Edie's return to showing after babies. 4/7/15 Wilts Reserve Grand (D Butters), and Wessex Grand Ch (V Kilby) BOBs courtesy of B Shingleton and C Pike
Shropshire:  1/2/14 , 1st and CC. Making CHAMPION (Dr B Bennett)
Notts and Derby: 18/1/14, 1st & CC. (V A Anderson-Drew)
Central LH & Eastern LH, 4/1/14: 1CC and BOB, ((M Pearman) and a first with CC withheld, (S Rainbow-Ockwell)
Supreme, 3rd place, (S Rainbow-Ockwell)
Kitten outings:
Norskskogkatt: 5th October: 1st (S Tokens)
Wyvern: : 2nd (V A Anderson-Drew)
Humberside & Lincolnshire: 27th July 2013: 1st & BOB (Dr B Bennet), and 2nd, (D Butters)
Edie's cuddles at Notts & Derby
Bumble Bee: Netuered in March '19
Bumble returned to shows, and has been wowing her adoring public each time. She's already gained her 3 PC's, Covid prevented further shows and not sure she really wants to go now.
Celtic Show  January 17 3rd Grand and BIS SLH Adult
NFCC 2nd Grand '16
Celtic show 30 Jan '16, gained her first Grand (A Lyall) and BOB  (L Fryer)
National CC 13/12/14, 1CC making CHAMPION on her Birthday
Supreme Show. 22/11/14. 3rd
CLH 1/10/14. 1st & CC & BOB
Norsk Skogkatt 4/10/14. 1st CC , BOB.Two Judge Specials rosettes.
Wyvern 6/9/14: 1st & BOB
WCCC 2/8/14: 1st and firsts in side classes.
Fife Garden of England @ Moulton Ex1, NOM,BIS Kitten Saturday and  Ex1, NOM, BIS Junior Sunday
Fife Felis Britannica @ Lutterworth 14/6/14. EX1
Suffolk Norfolk show 17th May: Bumble did ever so well 1st BOB and BIV SLH , for her first ever show.
Norskskogkatt  3rd October '15. First CC (D Butters), and LHSLH 2nd CC (L Fryer)
Somerset 12 sept '15: 1st and BOB (J Gillson)
West 12 sept '15 1st and BOB (L Fryer)
Wilts 4th July '15 1st (LFryer), Wessex: 1st (C Gainsbury)
2 Reserves at the Bristols and Cambria, Then 2 Imperials at Wilts and Wessex '18
Adult: Making Grand Celtic '18 (M Pearman)
2nd Grand Supreme '17( Dr Bennett)
1st Grand NFCC '17(J Hansson)
Wilts and Wessex 2nd July '16 1st CC (D Butters)
Norskskogkatt  October '16 1 CC & BOB (K Scruton)
Supreme October '16 2 CC Making Champion(D Butters & B Shingleton)
First outing, 1st, BOB (W McQuilkin), and BIS SLH Kitten. (H Marriott-Power.
Killian gained 3 CC's and he's gained a Grand as well.
Now taking time to be a BOY.He's decided to be a home body rather than a show cat
Well Kismet started out her show career well, a few kitten shows in december and january,getting BISF kitten at the NFC show in february'18, Going on to get her 3rd and Fourth CC's by July
Kismet needs time before graduating into the Grand classes so she'll have a short break
Fflur has come back out to shows to get her Championship and now her Grands  in straight shows.
Fflur decided shows are not her thing so she will remain at home from now
Show Highlights- these will miss out on 2020 and 2021 and likely most of 2022 as there were only the celtic and NFC- before covid lockdown
NFCC '20 elijah got his first Grand CC
Into adult classes 2 cc's and a BOB, and his 3rd CC and the BOB at the supreme'19
Kitten:Mixed results so far, Up against some very mature and older kittens.
NFCC feb '19 1st and BOB over about 8 kittens, beaten to BIS  by one he'd beaten to BOB (different judges different opinions)
Celtic 3rd out of 3 but both boys much much older than he was.
Viking cat club 2 day show. EX1 both Days , BIV both days, and Nomination both days.
NFCC '20 Ebony gained her 3rd CC
Norskskogkatt she got her first CC at only just 10 months old, getting Best opposite  sex adult against some lovely cats
first and BOB, and second place in the other show. mixed side classes, but she did seem to enjoy herself reasonably well.
Wilts & Wessex: what a day all first's, 2 BOB's BIV kitten BIV SLH overall.
Since having kittens she's never been in full coat for shows .....
Due to Covid - i haven't shown these two beauties
Calcifer Aka Hwllakun Mr.Blue Sky  What a show man .2023
Three Counties,& wesex 1st's and BOB's, and a BIV,
West and Somerset 1st's BoB's and BIV,
Supreme he went best in semilonghair kitten , and came eventual 4th  kitten overall . Fantastic results
he's made champion in three straight shows , and Grand champion in the next three shows. Only losing one best of breed in all shows up to march 2024
He gained his imperial title in five straight shows. Starting Olympian classes hes doing nicely
Valentina - 2023 Shadowed by calcifer - but doing really well
Froufrou has managed 3 CC's and a 3 Gr 's so far , she also did really well as a kitten -
Myschyfkitz Merida - now GrCh , sh'e's done very nicely  as a kitten and as an adult.
She followed her dad's success at the supreme, getting up into the posh pens. , she had overall kitten at the tabby show